The Center for Jewish Philanthropy of Greater Phoenix (CJP) represents the integration of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix and the Jewish Federation of Greater Phoenix.

The Harold & Jean Grossman Teen Israel Experience Incentive Fund was made possible through a generous endowment established by Harold (z"l) & Jean (z"l) Grossman to encourage Jewish teens to participate in Israel experience programming.

Eligibility & Requirements: 

Jewish teens can apply if: 

        They are residents of Maricopa County, the area served by the Center for Jewish Philanthropy of Greater Phoenix 

        Are enrolled in the 9-12th Grade (including the summer following graduation) 

        The program must be at least 16 days in Israel, run by a United States non-profit organization.  If the program is not run by a US non-profit organization, they must have a fiscal sponsor relationship with a US non-profit organization (like Masa Israel or "American Friends of").  Before applying to CJP for funding, please reach out to your program to ensure they have this non-profit status.  The CJP cannot make grants to organizations that are not US non-profit organizations.    

       The program is run by (or has a fiscal agent) that is a US non-profit organization. Before applying to the CJP for funding, please inquire with your program if they have an "American Friends of" or a fiscal sponsor they work with. The CJP cannot make grants to organizations that are not US non-profit organizations. 

       Have not already received the Grossman Teen Israel Experience for a prior trip 

       This is NOT a needs-based scholarship program, this is an incentive grant 

Program Content: 

In order to receive funding toward an Israel program, it must include all of the following: 

        Countrywide excursions led by trained madrichim/teachers/guides 

        Individual participation as part of a larger teen/peer group experience 

        Lectures, discussions regarding the history of Israel and contemporary issues facing the country


 Required for application: 

        Complete the Application Form 

        Signed parent and participant agreement 

        Program Verification to be filled out by your program (found here: )


        One reference letter (to be uploaded to this form)

        Applications will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis for any upcoming Israel trip

Funding Available: 

The incentive grant awards are made based on program duration. This is not a needs-based grant. 

        Summer or winter break programs (16 - 21 day programs) $750 

        Summer experiences (minimum of 22 days) $1,000 

        Semester programs $1,800 

        School year program $2,500 

       Participants only may receive ONE grant from the Grossman Teen Israel Experience Fund 

Important funding criteria information:  

         This is intended for peer trips/experiences only, not for teens as part of a larger group

         Experience must include education about both the history of Israel and modern issues facing the country



Questions? Please contact [email protected] or 480.481-1784

Harold & Jean Grossman Teen Israel Experience Incentive Fund

Applicant Information

Parent/Guardian Information:

Israel Program

Letters of Reference:

Applicant Essay - In the spaces below, please have the teen participant answer the following questions:

Parent and Participant Agreement:  All students attending an Israel Experience program are required to follow the rules of their program. Should any of the rules and policies be violated, necessitating that the students be sent home, the parents/students will be required to return in full any Harold and Jean Grossman Teen Israel Experience funds received from the Center for Jewish Philanthropy of Greater Phoenix. I give the Center for Jewish Philanthropy permission to use my name in any publicity and/or marketing materials.

Thank you for completing your application. Please click the submit button below. Please look for an email confirming the application has been received.

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